Before I started running, I thought I had to wait for some magical “zap” to inject my soul before I got off my butt and ran. I wanted to feel the desire to run, before I actually started to run.
But I soon realized, that’s not how it works.
Each day I would wait and wait, hoping that magical “zap” would come, but it never did. Each day I sat around waiting to feel the desire to run was another day I didn’t run.
But then I discovered a secret.
When I actually started running, I began to feel the desire to run.
This whole tangle with running taught me something very important, not only about running, but also about life:
If you wait until you feel the desire to do something, you may never actually do it. You’ll just keep procrastinating and putting it off. The best way to “feel it” is to start doing the thing(s) you want and/or need to do today.
Two of my blogging goals for 2012 is to launch an email newsletter and publish an eBook manifesto. And most days, I don’t feel like writing either of them.
But when I start writing, the desire comes. I begin to “feel it.”
And I believe this to be true in most, if not all, cases.
Whatever your goals are in 2012, just start. Don’t wait until you feel it to begin, because you may be waiting for a long, long time. Start working, and the feeling / inspiration / desire will come.
Begin working towards you goal/dream/vision today, and you will begin to “feel it” more and more.
Do today what you plan on doing someday. Begin, start, go. Then do the same thing tomorrow.
You may surprise yourself with what you can do.
Let 2012 be the year doing, of creating, starting, and achieving. Start, intitiate, begin, work, do, and you will “feel it” more and more.
Question: What are some things you’re starting / working on in 2012? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!
Image courtesy of mrhayata and anitapatterson (Creative Commons, morgueFile)
Great thoughts Roman. I know mom has shared this approach to reading the Bible. Once you push into reading, a desire to read seems to birth within us. Its funny but it reminded me of how stopping a bad habit can remove the penchant for that habit. Hmmm, that’s deep….I better go blog!
Good word dad! :) Thanks for sharing. Now get blogging! ;)
great blogs roman! :)
Thanks Niks! Appreciate the feedback :)