What are some elements of a smart social media marketing strategy?
It’s one thing to have a Facebook and Twitter page, but it’s a completely different thing to use those tools effectively, bring in new customers, and accomplish your organization’s goals.
A while back, I came across two examples of smart social media marketing.
Although there are many elements to a smart social media marketing strategy, these two elements will help get you going in. Here are two takeaways you can apply to your organization’s social marketing strategy today:
Example #1: Subway
Lesson: Give people a reason to connect with you online
Companies and people may be tempted to believe that if you put up a Facebook page, fans are just going to flock to you.
Not true.
If there is a reason to “Like” your page – exclusive eBook, free stuff, deals & discounts, etc. – there is a greater chance that people will “Like” your page, giving you the opportunity to market to them.
On the David C Cook Facebook page, we give away free eBooks and other exclusive deals, which adds a reason for others to join our Facebook community. And, we also know that members of our Facebook page buy stuff when we post it on our Facebook page.
Whether you have a Facebook marketing strategy or not, add a reason for people to “Like” your page and they will be more likely to. (This applies to Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, email, and other tools as well.)
Example #2: Tuesday Morning
Lesson: Combine what’s working already with where your customers are online.
I got this postcard in the mail from a local shop near my house. What caught my eye is that they were using direct mail (an effective marketing tactic for them) AND digital marketing. Rather than going with one and not the other, they combined them and did both.
If Direct mail is still effective for your business, combine it digital marketing for greater impact!
I like that Tuesday Morning is not afraid to try new marketing strategies, while still remaining true to what’s working for them.
I’ve talked with small business owners, and heard the complaints of others online, who feel that social media and the Internet is a threat to their existing business strategy and marketing plans.
It is. Unless you adapt, innovate, get creative, and use the digital change to your advantage.
Tuesday Morning is using what’s still effective for their customers (direct mail), and combing that with social media for double impact. They know there customers are online, and so they want to be connect with them there as well. (They also give a reason to connect with them online – a smart strategy!)
Give your customers a reason to connect with you online, and combine social media marketing with your existing marketing strategy (if it’s working) for greater impact.
That’s smart social media marketing.
Question: What are some examples of smart social media marketing that you have come across? Feel free to share with us in the comments below!
Offline drives online, that’s good stuff.