The other day in Santa Barbara I was with some friends around a fire, just hanging out and talking about business, life, and technology.
Sitting there in the peaceful, calm room, surrounded by some really awesome people, I thought to myself: This is what makes life rich.
People. Rich relationships with people. Relationships full of love, acceptance, joy, intimacy, vulnerability, shared experiences, and purpose.
These kind of emotionally enriching, mutually benefiting relationships make life rich and meaningful. These kind of relationships make life fun and enjoyable.
And in that moment, I started to think about entrepreneurship, pursuing our goals, success, and purpose.
What’s your why?
It’s easy to lose site of why we do what we do and forget our purpose. In the midst of going and doing, we can easily forget the why behind it all.
Why do we do what we do?
Why do we work hard and want to achieve our goals?
Why do we get up every morning and go to work? (no one has a gun to your head, by the way)
Why do we want to have money and be “successful”?
I don’t know your answer, but for me, I work hard and seek to achieve my goals so that I can enjoy richer relationships with the people I love.
I want to be a loving person, physically healthy, full of integrity, emotionally strong, and have money, so that I have more to offer to the people in my life I care about.
Why do you work hard and want to achieve your goals?
What’s your purpose behind the drive?
What’s your why?
Don’t forget the reason and purpose behind your drive to achieve and be successful.
And never forget, that rich relationships with people is what makes life rich and rewarding.
[…] only are relationships intrinsically meaningful in themselves, it is the means by which we can GIVE opportunities to others, and RECEIVE opportunities from […]