You don’t have to look far to realize that there are a lot of problems in the world.
Murder, rape, famine, suicide, divorce, neglect, lying, hatred, lust, greed, and more. The list goes on and on.
And if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get sucked into the whirlwind of lies that say, “you can’t do anything to change this.”
But that’s not true.
You can, in fact, do something to help the world.
Three years ago two of my good friends went to Kenya on a fourth-month trip. Their intent was to visit the people of Africa and serve them: in the schools, churches, and slums. To raise the financial support for their four-month trek, they hosted a benefit concert called AFROCKA. (Combine the word “Africa” with the word “Rock,” and you get “AFROCKA.”)
When they returned, they weren’t satisfied to let it be just another mission trip. They wanted it to be something more; something that continued to help, bless, and serve the people they knew in Africa.
So they took AFROCKA and turned it into a non-profit organization, hosting benefit concerts, raising awareness, and starting campaigns to get the funds needed in order to build schools and wells, get clothes for children, provide food for those who were hungry, and give school supplies for the children learning in the schools.

They invited their friends to join them in their effort to help the people they met. They knew that most teenagers waste their high school years getting drunk, playing hours upon hours of video games, and driving around in cars yelling out the window because they don’t have anything else better to do with their life.
Many jumped on board with AFROCKA, doing the little that they could at the present time to help people thousands of miles across the globe. It wasn’t much, but it was better than doing nothing. (And a whole lot better than beer, sexting, video games, and pranks)
And so the story continues.
Three years later, AFROCKA is a non-profit organization raising funds through benefit concerts, awareness, and campaigns to help the people of Africa through education and relief efforts.
And you can be a part of the story.
For only $9, you can join us on Friday, January 6th, for our next benefit concert. Musical artists Jimmy Needham and Brenton Miles will be joining us, and there will be food, drinks, merch, and a night of hanging out / networking with a bunch of people looking to change the world.
No, you don’t have to come to the concert to play a part in the story. You can donate online through the website. But the concert is a memorable night for many.
So whether you join us or not, please, do something with your life that helps other people. Love, bless, help, give, serve, and do good. Often, the difference you make leaves an impact larger than you expected and sends shockwaves of inspiration to the people around you.
The world is full of people living mediocre, self-centered lives, sleeping through the possibilities to make a difference that come there way.
The earth is crying out for people to wake up and make a difference. Even if it’s only for $9.
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