If you want to get something done today, it might be a wise idea to stop what your doing on the computer, step away, and go think about what you want to accomplish today.
Too often I have sat mindlessly at the computer, going from facebook to email, Twitter to Hootsuite, blog post to blog post, news site to news site, mindlessly consuming all this data without ever thinking to myself: Why am I doing all this?
When I actually stop and think to myself, Ok what do I NEED to do next?; What MUST I get done today? What do I WANT to get done today?, I find that I actually accomplish a lot more and end up feeling more happy and fulfilled, knowing that I did what I needed to, and wanted to, for that day.
Don’t get sucked into the mindless consumption of stuff; whether it’s on the internet, in front of the TV, or at a store (when you know you don’t need to buy that item, or even have the money to do so.) It’s a terrible habit to pick up, and one that must be intentionally stopped.
Most people mindlessly consume stuff, so don’t worry if you feel like the odd duck out when you don’t do the same as them. (People may even make fun of you for not wasting time. It’s happened to me before.)
It’s amazing what you can get done when your intentional about life. Go and try it for yourself and see what happens. You won’t regret it.
Caleb says
Thanks Roman, good reminder. I find having a to-do list is very helpful in organizing what needs to be done. Crossing off things is so freeing. (I also have begun to use evernote to organize a ton of the data I consume daily.)
romanrandall says
Good point Caleb, that’s definitely true. I like having a “To-Do” list also. Evernote is another great way to get things done (I also like using a Moleskin notebook as well). Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)
Ryan says
Hey Roman,
I was just thinking about this the other day roaming around getting things to pick up for the house. For one of the first times, I really noticed people around walking like you say “mindlessly”. Reading through your post gave me a chuckle that it’s easy to be mindless and harder to be mindful of our environment, especially what we are consuming whether or not it’s going into our mouth, it’s going into our brains!
Take care,
romanrandall says
Yes, very well said Ryan! Being conscious of what goes into our body and into our mind is so important, but can easily get overlooked if we’re not careful. Thanks for the input and feedback! :)