Today is my 25th birthday. Two weeks ago, I asked myself: What are some lessons I’ve learned in life so far?
Here is the list I came up with:
1. Your relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing in life. No one loves you more than Jesus Christ does (see John 3:16).
2. Colorado is the best state in America.
3. Reading, learning, and relationships open up many new doors of opportunity. Be intentional about pursuing these three areas, and always be learning and growing.
4. Cultivate and pursue rich, deep, meaningful relationships, because quality relationships make for a rich, meaningful life.
5. Pray and inquire of God always, especially before making decisions (see Proverbs 3:5-6).
6. “The days are long but the years are short.” (Not sure who this quote is from, but it is so true.)
7. Before you pursue success, define success. Aim to be a holistic and eternal success, otherwise you will end up chasing someone else’s idea of success (and realize – when you get there – it’s not where you really wanted to end up).
8. Do your best to avoid debt. Debt hinders your opportunities in life.
9. Try to read one chapter from the Bible a day. This will help you get into a reading rhythm/routine that will transform your life.
10. Let the peace of God rule in your heart and guide you (see Colossians 3:15). This alone will help improve your decision-making.
11. Take responsibility for your life. Don’t live life as a victim; it will only make life miserable for you and those closest to you.
12. Sleep more (at least 7 hours, but aim for 8-9). Contrary to popular habit, sleep helps increases productivity, happiness, and health.
13. Drink coffee black (try to avoid cream and sugar, if possible). It’s good for you.
14. Travel a lot, and see the world as much as you can. You will become a better person, expand your perspective, meet wonderful people, and create rich, memorable experiences.
15. You can accomplish your dreams. Do one thing each day (even if for only 15 minutes) that will get you closer to achieving your dream, and you will eventually achieve it.
16. Eliminate excuses and fear. Excuses and fear will only hold you back from love, your dreams, intimate relationships, awesome sex with your spouse, and make your life miserable.
17. Forgive. Unforgiveness only destroys its possessor.
18. Cooking is a worthwhile skill to learn. It will make you healthier, help you save money, and is a great way to build friendships (people love to eat!). Start by learning one recipe/meal per week, and you’ll be a solid cook sooner than you realize.
19. One is greater than zero. It’s better to have one paying customer, than no paying customers. It’s better to have one good friend, than no good friends. It’s better to travel to one new place this year, than no new places this year. Etc. (kudos to Gary Vee for this insight.)
20. Everyone should be writing and blogging. Writing helps you think better, communicate better, and creates new opportunities for you.
21. Marriage is great, but not if you marry the wrong person. Make sure you truly know your significant other, have diligently prayed about marrying him/her, and don’t have any serious doubts or concerns before saying ‘I do’.
22. Loving God (with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength) and loving my neighbor as myself (which includes my family, friends, and enemies) are the two most important things I can do while on this earth. (See: Deut 6:4-5; Mt 5:43-48; Mark 12:28-21; 1 John 4:7.)
23. You can only fail in one of two ways: (1) not even trying, or (2) giving up. If you don’t do either of those, you’re not a failure.
24. Death happens to all of us. You’re wise if you think about the afterlife before you die, and foolish if you don’t think about it until your dead. (A man once said, “I’d rather believe in God and find out he doesn’t exist, than not believe in God and find out he does.”)
25. Always be grateful, and never take anything for granted. Life is a gift from God. Gratitude will enrich your life and make you happier, and open your eyes to how blessed you really are.
Dad says
Wow Roman this is so good. I can’t wait until you turn 100!
Love you son. Happy Birthday
Roman Randall says
Haha thanks Dad! Love you too